Men’s Conquer Course

The Course is for age 15 and Up *If you are in high school parental consent will be required

Feb.27-May 1 (10 weeks)

Conquer is a program that trains and equips men to deal with the inevitabilities of sexual temptation.  Whether you consider lust an out-right addiction or would just like to be better able to address such situations, there is help.  Our meetings will include video, discussion, scripture, worship, and accountability.  While there’s no guarantee that facing such a topic will be easy, with the Spirit’s help there is victory awaiting.

We will be using the west entry, closest to 15th Street.  For youth, a separate discussion table will be arranged. We will try our best to respect the personal privacy of those attending.

The course’s cost is $30 each for Conquer materials and (optionally) another $30/year for additional software programming for online accountability purposes.
